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- IPSC JANUARY 2021 MEETINGMeeting Packet Minutes IPSC 2021-01-20 Meeting Agenda IPSC 2021-01-20 Meeting Agenda
- IPSC January 2018 Meeting MEETING PACKET MINUTES 2018-01-17 IPSC Agenda 2017-11-14 IPSC Minutes DRAFT 2017 IPSC Annual Summary Report DRAFT 2018-01-17 IPSC Agenda Cancelled
- October 16, 2013IPSC 2013-10-16 Agenda
- September 18, 2013IPSC 2013-09-18 Agenda
- August 21, 2013 – Meeting cancelled due to lack of quorumMEETING CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM
- July 17, 2013 – Meeting cancelled due to lack of quorumMEETING CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM IPSC 2013-07-17 Agenda
- June 19, 2013 – Meeting cancelled due to lack of quorumMEETING CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM
- March 17, 2013 – Meeting cancelled due to lack of quorumMEETING CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM
- February 20, 2013IPSC 2013-02-20 Agenda IPSC 2013-02-20 Minutes FINAL