IPSC Agenda 2016-12-21 IPSC Minutes 2016-12-21 Meeting Materials: Proposed Amendments to HRS Sections 52D-14 and 261-17.7 DRAFT 2016 IPSC Report to the Legislature DRAFT Proposed Best Practices and Guidelines for Handling Employee Health Information DRAFT
Agendas & Minutes
NOTE: The IPSC meeting venue has changed to the the Kalanimoku Building Basement Video Conference Center (VCC), 1151 Punchbowl St., Honolulu, HI 96913. IPSC Agenda 2016-11-16 IPSC Minutes 2016-11-16 Proposed Amendments to HRS §52D-14
IPSC Agenda 2016-10-19 IPSC Minutes 2016-10-19 DRAFT
IPSC Agenda 2016-09-21 IPSC Minutes 2016-09-21
IPSC Agenda 2016-08-17 IPSC Minutes 2016-08-17
IPSC Agenda 2016-07-20 IPSC Minutes 2016-07-20
IPSC Agenda 2016-06-15 IPSC Minutes 2016-06-15
IPSC Agenda 2016-05-18 IPSC Minutes 2016-05-18
This meeting has been canceled. The next scheduled meeting is May 18, 2016.
IPSC Agenda 2016-03-16 IPSC Minutes 2016-3-16 eSign Services Presentation 2016-03-16